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Mon, 07/05/2010 - 20:00
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ANKARA (A.A) - 05.07.2010 - Fusun Akatli, a leading Turkish writer and theatre critic, passed away at the age of 66 in Istanbul. 
Akatli died late on Sunday night at Istanbul University Hospital where she had been receiving medical treatment. 
Culture & Tourism Minister Ertugrul Gunay offered his condolences in a message reading, "Fusun Akatli made valuable contributions to the Turkish language and our literature with her philosophical articles, stories and novels. She also contributed to the Turkish culture and art by raising students. We will always commemorate her with a great respect."
Born in Ankara in 1944, Akatli graduated from the Ankara University Department of Philosophy in 1966. After receiving her doctorate from the Hacettepe University, she began working as a dramaturge for the City Theatre in 1991. She was founder of the Yeditepe University Department of Theatre. 
Some of her works are as follows: "Nicin Diyalektik (Why Dialectics/1980)", "Yaz Basina Neler Gelir (Write Whatever Befalls You/1980)", "Bir Pencereden (Through a Window/1980)", "Edebiyat Defteri (Literary Notebook/1987)", and "Zamansiz Yazilar (Timeless Texts/1994)".