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Mon, 04/26/2021 - 12:34
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Capital city citizens to be fully vaccinated by May 5

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/. During a press conference, Deputy Prime Minister, Head of the State Emergency Commission S.Amarsaikhan answered a question regarding the estimated date for fully vaccinating the country’s entire population. Noting that discussions continue to be held with the side of suppliers despite the import of vaccines as according to plans, he highlighted that vaccinations works are being intensified during the 14-day extension of the current state of 'all-out-preparedness' and associated strict lockdown measures. According to the Deputy PM, it is planned to fully vaccinate citizens in the capital city by May 5, and involve all citizens nationwide in the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by May 8. In order to ensure continuous operations in export regions, vaccinations will also continue to be done in aimags with border crossings. Overall, vaccine rollout in the adult population is currently estimated to be completed between June 1 to July 1 nationwide. As of currently, 32 percent of target groups have been involved in the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, with 8.6 percent fully vaccinated.