Achievements Made in Railway Sector of DPRK

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Pyongyang, August 13 (KCNA) -- Increasing in the railway sector of the DPRK is the number of locomotive crew members who have completed their annual transport plans.

New Technology Developed

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Pyongyang, August 13 (KCNA) -- Scientists of the State Academy of Sciences in the DPRK jointly developed a 200㎥/h pressure fine coal gasification technology of Korean style.

102nd Candlelight Rally and Demo in Puppet ROK

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 Pyongyang, August 13 (KCNA) -- In the puppet ROK, people from all walks of life are now intensifying the massive resistance to impeach the puppet Yoon Suk Yeol pushing the situation of the Ko

Coal Mines in DPRK Strive to Boost Production

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Pyongyang, August 13 (KCNA) -- Coal mines in the DPRK are providing fuel and raw materials needed for the production of iron and steel and chemical fertilizer in a responsible manner.